Customized Pricing Tailored to Your Needs

At Decimal, we believe that a one-size-fits-all pricing model doesn’t do justice to the unique needs and potential benefits for each of our clients. Our pricing structure is designed to reflect the true value and ROI we bring to your specific operational context. 

  • Personalized Analysis

    We delve into your product mix, shipping costs, service providers, and warehouse operations to understand the nuances of your business.

  • ROI-Driven Pricing

    Our pricing is formulated based on an ROI model to ensure that you always receive more value than what you invest. We share this model with you so we can arrive at a compelling, win-win pricing.  

  • Scalable Solutions

    As your operations evolve, our pricing model adapts to ensure continued alignment with your business objectives and cost-effectiveness. We offer both Month-to-Month and Annual Pricing Plans, so you can select the ideal option for your business.   

  • Transparent Conversations

    We prioritize clear, honest discussions to arrive at a pricing structure that makes sense for both parties.  

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